Legal Notice
Mandatory details pursuant § 5 TMG
MitOst e. V.
Herzbergstraße 82-84
10365 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 31 51 74 79
Fax: +49 (0)30 31 51 74 71
Board of directors:
Alona Karavai (1. Chairperson)
Ivo Krug (2. Chairperson)
Safak Ersozlu (Assessor)
Yana Mktrchyan (Assessor)
Maja Pegan (Assessor)
Stelios Voulgaris (Assessor)
Court registration:
Registered in the registry of associations of the local court Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registry number: VR 19281 B
VAT identification number: DE303528381