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Youth Organizations Forum – Go-For
Ankara, Turkey

Youth Organizations Forum (GoFor) is a platform to which organizations maintaining rights-based studies are affiliated. Youth Organizations Form aims to ensure the participation of youth organizations engaged in rights-based work, in the studies implemented with regards to youth policies. GoFor advocates that public institutions and non-governmental organizations should act together to constitute and secure a universal youth policy. The Forum has a great number of projects and activities that it implements to raise awareness regarding the importance of youth policies and advocate the rights of youth and empower the capacities of the member organizations. The Youth Organizations Forum has been maintaining studies since 2015 as the Youth Organizations Forum Foundation

The Belarusian National Youth Council – RADA
Vilnius, Lithuania

Belarusian National Youth Council “RADA” is a voluntary union of 27 youth associations, being created with the purpose of consolidating youth organizations and initiatives of Belarus. “RADA” operates in the areas of representation, promotion and defending common interests and freedoms of youth organizations and young people of Belarus.

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