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Herkes İçin Mimarlık Derneği - KITEV

Herkes İçin Mimarlık (Architecture for All)
Istanbul, Turkey

Social media accounts: @herkesicinmimarlik

Herkes için Mimarlık (HiM) is an association from Istanbul, that facilitates democratic and collaborative design processes between government representatives, professionals, and citizens.
The association focuses on creative ways to raise awareness about social challenges and tries to suggest solutions to social problems through architecture and space design. HiM works together with communities in the rural and urban areas of Turkey for women’s empowerment, supporting local economies, and resolving the basic spatial needs of educational institutions mostly through the functionalization of existing buildings. The association also assists activists and civil society organizations that are working with disadvantaged and underrepresented communities on issues of gender, early childhood education, disability rights, equality for women and children, and refugees.

KITEV (Kultur Im Turm e.V.)
Oberhausen, Germany

Social media accounts:

Kitev is based in the old water tower at the central train station in Oberhausen, Germany and collaborates with artists from the city and from all over Europe to transform the area into a vibrant quarter through arts and culture.
Kitev gets visible in architectural interventions in public spaces (redesigning and reinterpreting abandoned urban places), in using buildings (for events and exhibitions) and in the water tower itself. They work together with social activists, architects and citizens with a high sensibility for the issues that refugees, migrants and other disadvantageous groups have.
The association explores art forms and architecture statements to raise public awareness for solving social issues and mobilize citizens to get involved in building a fair society.

We organized exchange visits to Turkey and Czechia to improve our capacities while working with volunteers. Denizli Koruyucu Aile Derneği organized a workshop called “We Are Planning Our Future” to focus on developing a long-term strategy of working with volunteers. A parallel workshop was organized in Ostrava by Rodinne a Komunitni in cooperation with experts on volunteering.

During the visit to Turkey, we exchanged experiences and ideas about CSOs and the foster care systems. Aiming to incorporate potential volunteers to the organization, Denizli Koruyucu Aile organized an event called “Garage Sale”

“We felt stronger after this project and we really focused on volunteering for the future sake of our organizations”

Denizli Koruyucu Aile Derneği

“The most important thing we have learned is that we should provide space to the volunteers to express their ideas, and give them responsibility, not just little, insignificant tasks.” Rodine a Komunitni Centrum Chloupka z.s.

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