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Yeşil Düşünce Derneği - Nordic Folkecenter For Renewable Energy

Yeşil Düşünce Derneği (Green Thought Association)
Istanbul, Turkey

Social media accounts: @yesildusun

Yeşil Düşünce Derneği is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey to promote green thought and green policies. The main working fields of it are ecology and sustainability, democracy and media, climate change, green energy and green economy.

Yeşil Düşünce has been working on a community- based level in renewable energy policies that creates fair, clean and green, cheap energy policies, and strengthen the local people when producing their own energy. The association advocates politics that have a holistic understanding of an energy system from the stage of production to consumption. The association targets especially women and young people.

They implement national (ex. Face the Sun at Work, Canakkale, Turkey) and international projects (ex. Green Climate Green Economy, EU) and campaigns. The main activities of involvement are workshops, conferences, meetings (such as Green Economy Conferences, Green Dialog Meetings, Green Summer Camps), training programmes and policy report publishing.

Nordic Folkecenter For Renewable Energy
Hurup, Denmark

Social media accounts: @nordicfolkecenter

The organization is in Hurup Thy, Denmanrk, and its long term goal is a complete replacement of fossil fuels and atomic power with renewable energies and energy savings while promoting sustainability, resilience and development of local communities around the world.

Renewable energies do not only provide the possibility to decarbonize and clean the current energy system, but they also provide the opportunity to transform the current centralized, undemocratic, exclusive energy model into a democratic and inclusive energy model that promotes the sustainability of local communities. Accordingly, all the activities and projects of the organization put special focus on energy democracy and active participation of local stakeholders including citizens, especially women and young people.

The organization team offers renewable energy trainings, transfer of know-how and best practices, collaboration with ecopreneurs, research and development, testing and demonstration, implementation of renewable energy in developing countries. They also collaborate with local CSOs, companies, professionals, education centres and national-local authorities.

The first exchange visit took place in Istanbul and Izmir for conferences about energy cooperatives in which we were one of the speakers.

Then we went together to Milan to participate to the Energy Cooperative Conference.

The last visit took place in Denmark as we participated in various activities to learn about best practices and models. Lastly, we prepared a new project application together.


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